Leader in the field of non-ferrous metals – HANSAE Co., LTD.
Cable Division
will continue to grow as a global company.
Cable Division has been the driving force with which company has grown to become today’s HANSAE. Since its foundation with cable distribution business in 2004, company has kept growing by diversifying business including consumables for electric/electronic sub assembly and batteries, distributing products of recognized top makers, securing technologies for concerned business field and realizing price and delivery for customer requirements.
Cable Division will continuously provide customer with products of international standard through product proposal and development which satisfies customer needs and demand. The Division will deliver products for various uses for customer requirements including products for land and marine on time and will secure technical capability to resolve inconvenience or difficulties, if any, quickly in the site where products are used. Also, the Division will aggressively encourage research and development to secure stable product life and where products are used. Also, the Division will aggressively encourage research and development to secure stable product life and improve productivity.